COTNA Characters

Greyson Silva
Age: 21
Birthplace: The Spire
Race: Novus Aevum
Current residence: Presidential Residence
Occupation: Scout
Weapon: Retractable Spear, small bombs and explosives
Description: A carefree scout with great potential. This young Novus Aevum is gifted with abilities other Novus do not possess, ones that could be of great service to his people, but he squanders his time and energies on the temporary pleasures of youth.

Age: 25
Birthplace: New Haven
Race: Havenite (Normal human)
Current residence: Unknown
Occupation: Engineer (Mechanics and nano-technology)
Weapon: None
Description: A skilled young engineer from the higher echelons of Havenite society. Fearless, curious, and suspiciously sharp-sighted, she seeks to understand the secrets of this world.